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5 Online Games to Help You Relax After a House Move

5 Online Games to Help You Relax After a House Move

Moving to a new house or condo can be very stressful, but once you’ve arrived the hardest bit is over and you can celebrate. Relax with these five games to get some well-deserved rest.

Idle Games

Idle games are perfect after a move to The Arcady at Boon Keng– they require very little input from you and you can just let them run in the background. Idle games offer easy entertainment if you don’t have a home internet connection set up yet.

Casual Games

Casual games are plentiful on mobile platforms like the App Store and Play Store. Like idle games, they do not have a steep learning curve and you can play for as little or as long as you like. Most rounds are done in less than a minute, and there are great games spread across categories such as action, adventure, and sports, among others.

Card Games

Card games aren’t technically online games- you can open a pack of cards and play Go Fish or Old Maid with friends and family. The benefit of playing online is you won’t run out of people to play with as long as you have an internet connection.

Chat with Friends

While not technically an online game, de-stressing by chatting with friends is a great way to relax. You can do this via direct messaging or social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram. Your friends and loved ones will be excited to know that you’ve settled into your new house or condo.

Your Favorite Game

Last but not least, you can de-stress by booting up your favorite game from a console, handheld, or mobile device. It’s okay to spend some time playing online games after a long and strenuous move, then unpacking your stuff later on.