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5 Reasons to Choose KNX Presence Sensor with Constant Lighting

5 Reasons to Choose KNX Presence Sensor with Constant Lighting

Motion sensors are well-known for the functionality and practicality that they bring to the spaces where people install them. Still, things for these sensors are always evolving and improving. GVS has been working on the sensor technology for quite a while, and they have good sensors, now let’s take a look at their latest KNX Presence Sensor with Constant Lighting function, let’s discuss why we should choose a KNX Presence Sensor like that from GVS.

1. Better Range

The KNX Presence Sensor is designed to have a more extended range and better modes of detection than conventional motion sensors. This is achieved by not only working a set of carefully selected, adequately equipped sensors in the setup but also coding them. Thus, the hardware components are in total sync with the software section.

This presence sensor is so sensitive that it can even detect the movement of an arm, the KNX Presence Sensor will get feedback from movements immediately and thus send a signal to the bus to enable or disable the function of the system.

2. Applicability

Due to the kind of sensitive sensors on this module, it becomes easier to install them with lighting options in more natural ways. Instead of having to situate the lights very close to the areas where motion is expected, they can be installed even farther away.

This is backed by the fact that the sensors are trained to look for the slightest movements.

Likewise, this is ideal for areas where the tiniest movements will occur over time – such as a classroom – to ensure the lights do not just switch itself off and on at will.

3. Energy Savings

With the KNX Presence Sensor, you never worry about forgetting to turn off the lights whenever you leave a room anymore.

Once the sensors realize that there are no more movements in the room for a while (by setting, say 5 min), they turn the lights off. This will have a positive effect on your energy bill, it will also help to protect your lamps or bulbs, which would have been turned out on a lot more hours.

Besides, the light sensor can be trained to only turn ON in situations when the set ambient light parameters fall below a threshold. Thus, even if there were multiple movements in the installation area, the lights won’t come on during the day – or when there are other forms of supporting lighting to provide enough illumination as set by the users. Also, if there’s a constant light level which needs to be maintained, with this sensor you can do it no matter it’s day or night outside.

4. Convenience

The traditional physical switch makes a boring daily life, sometimes we do not want to go switch on and off the light ourselves. Right now, you can enjoy the peace of mind from knowing that your lights are taking care of by the sensor itself. In this way, they are coming on only when the illumination in the installation area is low and going off when they do not see the need to light up the area either.

5. Brand Recognition

While you might be able to get partially the functions of this sensor from products of other manufacturers, the sensor you get from GVS is quality-proved as the KNX protocol is an international standard for building automation.

Among the existing sensor products on the market, GVS Presence Sensor with Constant Lighting CSBPC-02/00.1 offers much more value. It has the advantages mentioned above for the brightness measuring via an internal light sensor. Its two-level light control for switching and integrated constant light level control for dimming provides very flexible programming. As a smart LoT service provider, GVS has been and always will invest and develop more smart home products which bring you a comfortable life.