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How Does Hashing Work? A Look at One-Way Cryptographic Functions

How Does Hashing Work? A Look at One-Way Cryptographic Functions

Hashing functions have become a vital part of cybersecurity, specifically for blockchain-based cryptocurrency protocols. They are further incredibly beneficial for software security and appear in almost all applications.

It’s a form of computer and software security model that helps sustain the integrity and authenticity of the data message. Often mistaken for encryption protocols, hashing is a different security model. It’s an important mathematical process that holds a critical role in public key cryptography.

From signing software with Code Signing Certificates to transferring sensitive information online, hashing is being used nearly everywhere. But what is hashing in cryptography and how does it work?

Let’s find out:

What is Hashing in Cryptography?

A hash function can have different meanings depending on the use and context. But a cryptographic hash function can be defined as a unique identifying value that’s assigned to any piece of information.

It’s a mathematical algorithm of a fixed size also known as a hash value or message digest used for hashing the arbitrary data value often known as “message”. This is a one-way hash function, meaning it’s practically infeasible to invert or reverse the computation value.

For instance, if you change the input data provided for hashing, the output will change. Also, mapping the arbitrary value from the hash value is hard or near to impossible. It gives deterministic output for any input data.

The hashing is primarily used for converting plain text into unique & special strings of data.  No matter the size, it can hash any piece of information to always produce the same length of string digest or unique hash value.

This may sound confusing, so let’s simplify it a bit with an example. Let’s assume you don’t want to disclose your name to every digital platform. Now with the use of a hash function in cryptography, you can display your name with a unique string of text that can only be deciphered by you.

For instance, let’s say your name is Tony Mark. When hashed, it’d look like this:

Tony Mark = VLSu7818hVpKg6rU

How Does Hashing Work?

As we learned, cryptographic hashing is a mathematical operation where readable text is converted into unreadable secure text. It’s simple to perform and efficiently executed but is extremely difficult or irreversible. This makes it a one-way hash function and differentiates it from the encryption protocol which is a two-way function and can be reversed.

In hashing, the cryptographic function will take plain, readable text and generate a string of unique data randomly. It can include many variables such as numbers or text as seen in the above example.

For example, let’s take a password you use for accessing your bank account. The banks will securely store your passwords after implementing a one-way hashing function. Now, when you try to access your account by entering the password, it’s matched with the stored hash value. If it matches, you’ll get authorization from the bank to use your account.

Simply put, a hashing function in cryptography is used for data authorization to grant users access without knowing the content. Primarily cryptographic hashing is used in securing databases, storing passwords, and protecting the credentials of code signing certificates. They are saved as hash values to make your sensitive data more secure.

Moreover, the cryptographic hash function creates a barrier for potential attackers. Even if the hackers get access to the database and your hashing values, they cannot reverse it to get the actual password. However, some cryptographic functions like SHA-1 are easier to crack than others like SHA-2 or bcrypt.

Properties of Strong Cryptographic Hash Function

Here are a few key properties that make hashing function in cryptography strong:

Features of Cryptographic Hash Function

Some typical features of cryptographic hashing include:

Applications of Cryptographic Hashing

Here are a few applications of the hash function in cryptography:

Wrapping Up

Cryptographic hash functions are widely used for safeguarding passwords and other sensitive information. In this article, we learned what a cryptographic hash function is and how it works.

We have also learned what properties a one-way hash function should have along with features and applications. So, we hope you have gained an in-depth understanding about the cryptographic hash function.