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How to Improve Your Company’s Hiring & Onboarding Processes

How to Improve Your Company’s Hiring & Onboarding Processes

When you have diligently worked your way up the hierarchical chain within one particular company or have made sensible sideways moves into companies with higher chances of progression and are now sitting at the manager level, it can be easy to forget what life is like for brand-new recruits.

However, if you put yourself in the shoes of a newly graduated, talented, and enthusiastic job seeker, you will realize the importance of wanting to work for a forward-thinking, dynamic, and positive company.

With this in mind, here is how to improve your company’s hiring and onboarding processes.

Do Everything You Can to Ease First-Day Nerves

Right from the beginning of the hiring process, and certainly in the interview stages, it is your responsibility, especially if you are looking to streamline the onboarding process, to do everything you can to keep new recruits’ nerves and anxiety levels to a minimum.

Small examples that could make a huge difference to how welcoming and comfortable a new working environment appears and feels to new employees include:

Guide Their Understanding of What Is Expected of Them

Throughout the interview and, indeed, any subsequent follow-up phone calls and in-person conversations, it is imperative to guide your new recruits on what to expect and what their key duties are right from their starting date.

Talk them through the company’s standard for KPIs (key performance indicators), help them to understand their personal potential for career progression, discuss any uniform requirements or other rules and regulations regarding appearance, and talk to them about one-to-one meetings and appraisals.

Improve Your Current Healthcare Plan

A more comprehensive and eminently more thoughtful healthcare and provisions package will greatly improve the initial chances of new talent applying for a role at your firm and ease their transition into working there considerably.

Look into Nations Benefits and be sure to compare various reputable and renowned healthcare providers to find the best and most helpful packages out there to entice new employees and keep your current ones happy.

Remember, a happy employee is a productive and dedicated one.

Automate Processes

Finally, to make the entire process of onboarding, from advertising for a new or existing job role to providing everything a new recruit needs on their first day, and to make it considerably easier on both you as a manager and your new employee, automation is your best friend.

Strive to alleviate the burden of onboarding for both of you by offering extensive training via an online video link or through a video appointment on Microsoft Zoom or Teams, email them the contract and procedure and policy information, and stick to automated forms.