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My Pop-Up Cards iPad App Review: Great Greeting Cards

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My Pop-Up Cards is an iPad app developed by mycard/MUTEAM WORKSHOP CO., CTD. My Pop-Up Cards offers users the ability to create 3D, pop-up style greeting cards with immense graphic impact.

The developers say that My Pop-Up Cards is “as easy as decorating a real paper card.” I disagree. I think that this iPad app is actually far easier for the average person to use than plain paper! For people who don’t have the patience or talent to make physical cards from scratch, this is a great alternative!

After selecting a template and customizing your images, you just print out your pattern. A few minutes, some scissors, and a bit of glue, and you’ve transformed the pattern into a pop-up card.

In addition to printing out cards, you can share your creations on Facebook, Twitter, or email. Other sharing options include lesser-known services like Sina wei-bo and Tencent.

There are tons of ways to create a customized look for your card. You can edit the brightness and contrast of the image, as well as selecting different fonts and text sizes. You can add stamps, or create custom avatars using your own pictures. You can also import photos from your camera roll and use them as backgrounds.

In addition to the obvious use as holiday/birthday card generator, this app could also be used as a rainy day craft project for kids to keep them from getting bored.

In summation, this app is really simple to use, and it creates great final results. It’s easy to preview your projects before you print, and create a charming card that has a lot of personality. If you’re at all crafty (or just want to give the illusion that you are), try this cool app!

My Pop-Up Cards requires iOS 5.0 or later. Compatible with iPad.