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Zombie Derby Android App Review: Zombie Mashing Mayhem

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Zombie Derby is all about shooting zombies, high speed jumps and car induced destruction. It’s the perfect arcade game built for those who love to cause as much blood-drenched mayhem as possible.

After downloading Zombie Derby, you can get into the thick of the action almost immediately. The tutorial mode is there as an option, otherwise – it’s straight into Zombie mashing.

The campaign mode is made up of four separate settings, three of which remain locked until the first is complete. You begin the game with a basic blue “Redneck” van which is waiting to be upgraded.

Blood, Bullets and Burnt Rubber

Before you can start adding to your van and upgrading, you’ll need coins. To acquire coins, you need to cover as much of the map as possible, killing all the zombies and breaking obstacles along the way.

As you play and earn coins, you may purchase more petrol to cover more ground, weaponry to take out Zombies from a distance, and other general upgrades to make your high speed crashes and jumps smoother, longer and more destructive.

The more coins you get, the faster and more deadly your vehicle becomes. Once you have earned enough to cover and complete the full track, the next track will be unlocked, holding new challenges, and more importantly, more Zombies to crush.

Zombie Derby’s face paced game play is nothing but pure excitement. Zooming across the track whilst shooting your machine gun is a great feeling, especially as the line of Zombies ahead crumble in your blazing path.

The driving is both smooth and rough in all the right places, and reacts responsively to the terrain, which is often full of hills, cliffs and obstacles. Upgrades to the engine and wheels make a noticeable difference.

The menus are easy to navigate, with no buttons or images looking out of place. Overall, both the in-game and out-game controls are clean and polished.

The graphics and visuals of the game are nothing to get too excited about, but they certainly aren’t terrible. However, more dramatic explosions and Zombie blood would have added a new dimension to the game.

Final Remarks

To conclude, Zombie Derby is a frantic, exciting arcade game full of high speed crashes and Zombie crushing. It really is a perfect combination.

The thrilling game play, paired with a huge array of upgrades, makes Zombie Derby an excellent arcade style driver game. The statistics and challenge page which records your zombie killing progress also adds a little more depth to the game.

Download Zombie Derby from Google Play for free on Android devices running Android 2.3 and up.