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4 Reasons to Upgrade to A High Tech Garage Door Opener

You could be missing out on the advantages a new electric garage door opener can provide if you’re still using a push-button, manual garage door in your home.

It’s always a wise move to upgrade to a new garage door opener that has the latest technology. Here are some reasons why you should call up a garage door replacement Peoria AZ professional and do it today:

You Get Remote Access

New garage door openers aren’t limited to just a few dozen feet in proximity to the garage door. It’s all about the connectedness, or having access to your garage door all the time. You can use an app on your laptop or mobile phone and operate the door anytime you want, whether it’s coming home or making sure you haven’t left it open.

Greater Security

On the same vein as remote access, you can get upgraded security features that were previously unavailable. The moment the garage door opens or when the sensors are tripped, a notification via SMS or email is sent to warn you of potential intruders.

Keypad access allows for code entry without needing a key or the opener. It can be activated with a code or may have fingerprint sensors that detect your unique signature.

Improved Sensors

It wasn’t until 1993 that photoelectric sensors were added to garage door technology. While this may not sound so important, it significantly improved safety especially in homes that have children or pets. When the sensors are ‘tripped’, e.g., when a child or pet walks through, the operation is immediately halted, thereby preventing injuries and accidents.

Lesser Noise

You may have a well-oiled garage door, but years of use can make opening and closing a noisy affair. If the noise gets complaints from the neighbors then it may be time to invest in a new one.​​​​​​