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4 Tech Tips to Make Your AC Run More Efficiently

4 Tech Tips to Make Your AC Run More Efficiently

The air conditioner is an essential home appliance that can keep you comfortable even in the hottest days or coldest months. To make it run more efficiently and save you from astronomical power bills, here are four tech tips you can follow.

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

ACs need to be cleaned and maintained regularly to keep them running in top shape. Too much accumulation of dirt and dust can lead to clogged filters and coils, which is the primary reason why it won’t cool as efficiently as before. An HVAC Contractor is a professional AC technician that can carry out thorough cleaning services and maintenance.

Check the Filter Every Now and Then

You will also need to check your aircon’s filter and wash them every two weeks or so. Air brings in dust and minute pollutants that can get trapped in the filter, so it’s important to remember to clean it every now and then. It’s recommended to set a reminder via an app and learn where your AC’s filter is and how to remove it.

See If It’s the Right Horsepower

The best AC for a room or space is one that’s capable of generating enough cold or hot air for efficient operation. That said, you can measure the area in square meters and get a corresponding AC that has enough horsepower to cool the space efficiently.

Insulate and Seal Doors and Windows

Air conditioning repair in Hillsboro can bring back your AC unit to life, but that shouldn’t mean you can keep running it the way you did before. Remember to clean the filter and get it serviced regularly, find where the air escapes and seal the windows and doors. This way, the HVAC doesn’t have to work as hard and the cool or warm air gets trapped inside as needed.