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4 Tips On Going Green With The Latest Technology

4 Tips On Going Green With The Latest Technology

A 2019 study by the Southern Cross University revealed that out of 913 people from Australia and the U.S, 93% have a general concern for the environment, with 77% of individuals willing to learn about sustainable lifestyles,  according to Forbes. While technology plays a significant role in our daily lives, our dependence on electronic gadgets hurts the environment. 

Small electronic devices like cell phones, Gameboys, PlayStations, and digital cameras consume a lot of energy. They also emit greenhouse gases, mainly when disposed of in landfills. However, with the increasing concern about sustainability, individuals can now go green when it comes to the  latest gadgets to look forward to in 2020.

Check Ratings and Reviews before Buying

Before you can purchase any sustainable gadget, check energy star ratings and consumer reports, or other expert buying sources.  Online reviews and ratings are helpful when comparing green devices. This move will help you choose one or multiple options that are not only energy efficient but also eco-friendly.

Purchase Pre-Owned Devices

Investing in used gadgets is beneficial  for the environment in several ways. When you purchase second-hand mobile phones or refurbished computers, you reduce e-waste and greenhouse gas emissions. Tech gadgets contain harmful chemicals such as lead, chromium, and cadmium, which contribute to air, water, and soil pollution when disposed of in landfills. Besides reducing toxins from seeping in water and soil, buying second-hand electronics decreases the demand for raw materials. As a result, the destruction of habitats and energy consumption reduces because there is no mining required to obtain raw materials for new tech products.

Recycle Old Electronics

With the rate at which manufacturers are producing gadgets, owning the latest devices is easier than ever before. However, regular computer and phone upgrades result in increased electronic waste, greenhouse emissions, and demand for raw materials to produce new products. To ensure you practice sustainable tech ownership, consider  selling old gadgets to electronic recycling professionals  instead of throwing them away. Apart from reducing e-waste,  electronics recycling  has numerous benefits. It helps reduce demand for precious metals like gold, silver, and platinum. During the recycling process of gadgets, recyclers extract these metals safely and send them back to manufacturers for the production of new products, hence lower energy consumption.

Invest in Energy-Efficient Gadgets

The move towards sustainable gadget ownership aims not only at protecting the environment. You can save huge sums of cash on energy, thanks to a  variety of energy-efficient gadgets  designed to make your home more sustainable. For instance, you can use smart energy-saving power outlets, solar-powered heaters, or smart thermostats to reduce the amount of energy you use charging gadgets.

Charging your gadgets with renewable energy is an excellent way of practicing sustainability in the home. Fortunately, you don’t need solar panels or wind turbines fitted around your home. You can charge your gadgets with off-grid, portable chargers that charge your phone, laptop, or other tech devices using solar or wind energy. For this reason, purchase sustainable devices designed with rechargeable batteries like Lithium-Ion.