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7 Awesome Advances in Roofing Technology

7 Awesome Advances in Roofing Technology

From smart TVs to home security devices, the technology inside your home gets more advanced year by year – so why shouldn’t the technology outside your home be advancing, too? In the past few years, roofing technology has come an incredibly long way. Innovative materials and installation methods are making it easier and more affordable for you to have a durable, efficient roof in all climates.

Here are 7 of the coolest advancements in roofing technology, now available to homeowners like you around the country.

1. New Roofing Insulation

One of the biggest improvements in roofing technology within the last decade has been more affordable, efficient, and long-lasting insulation material. Tightly-woven fiberglass and synthetic polymer are available for any residential building – they’re great for restricting airflow through your roof. This holds cool or warm temperatures inside your home, saving money and energy on your heating and air conditioning system. Polyurethane foam is another insulation material that has become more affordable and accessible in the past few years, and is awesome for preventing leaks and roof sag in a stormy environment.

Staggering insulation materials is a top roofing trend of the past two years, especially popular for commercial roofs. This involves layering different types of insulation in your roof for the optimal airflow at each point.

2. Fireproof Roofs

Particularly in arid areas, the risk of wildfires is becoming more and more prominent. Fortunately, advances in fireproof roofing technology are helping to keep residential buildings safe.

Traditionally, slate, tile, and metal roofs were all used as fire-resistant options – however, these old-school materials can also hold in heat, worsening a fire inside the home. That’s why several top roofing brands have been experimenting with volcanic rock. Naturally heat-resistant, roofing tile or shingles made from volcanic rock can actually draw energy and heat from flames, reducing a fire and stopping it from spreading.

3. Green Roofs

The term “green roofing” can mean a lot of different things, and it varies depending on the climate you live in. That said, green roofing technologies are improving around the world. It all comes down to using the right materials to keep your home as energy efficient as possible.

In hot, arid climates, for example, solar shingles are an awesome new roofing trend – they can actually absorb energy from the sun and convert it into energy you can use in your home, without needing to install huge bulky solar panels. Garden roofs, particularly in rainy or coastal environments, are also a great way to conserve energy in your home.

Talk to your local roofer about the best green roofing options for your climate!

4. Cool Roofs

Cool roofing material isn’t a new concept. The basic idea is that dark, heavy materials absorb more heat, while lighter materials reflect it. But these days, there’s more to cool roofs than that.

Reflective roofing materials, combined with the right ventilation in your roof, can keep your home cool throughout the hot summers without driving up your energy bill. To learn more, talk to a roofer in your area – they can recommend the best, affordable cool roofing material for your environment.

5. Drone Technology for Roofers

New roofing trends aren’t just making things easier for homeowners, but for roofers, too. Drones are an awesome example of how new tech is helping roofers stay safe and get the job done faster.

In the old days, a roof inspector would have to use a ladder and special safety gear to inspect damage to the top of your roof. With the help of a drone, they can thoroughly inspect your roof in a matter of minutes. Drones are also helping roofers plan a re-installation and draw out blueprints, all without climbing onto the roof.

6. Laminated Shingles

In the old days, asphalt shingles had to be laminated individually, at a high cost to the homeowner. But with improvements in production technology, laminated asphalt shingles can now be mass-produced, and are a super affordable efficient roofing option for any commercial or residential building.

Laminated shingles are more durable, resistant to both heat and rainy weather. They also look great! Today, you can customize the color gradient of your laminated shingles, giving your roof the look of classic slate or wood shake, without sacrificing the practical affordability of asphalt!

7. Flat Roofing Membranes

Finally, one of the top roofing trends of 2019 was new flat roofing membranes. Flat roofs can often collect water and debris in a storm, leading them to leak or collapse. But with new, professionally engineered membranes made from TPO or PVC (highly stress-resistant synthetic materials) flat roofs can stay stable and leak-free, longer.

Flat roofing membranes allow water to roll right off, instead of pooling or seeping through asphalt shingles. Talk to a flat roofing specialist in your town about synthetic membrane options for your flat roof.