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Apple iPad mini to Be 3G, Very Thin

A Japanese Apple fan site reporting whispers from China about Apple’s still sight unseen 7-inch iPad mini, which by the way will also be manufactured in Brazil. One of the nice things about the new information is that it echos Tapscape’s earlier report saying that iPad mini production would begin in September. What else is new? Step inside.

Japan’s Makotakara, quoting a Chinese source who claims to have seen the device, has additional details about the 7-inch iPad mini. Specifically, Apple’s new tablet is said to be roughly the same thickness, or thinness if you prefer, as the fourth generation (current) iPod touch, which is very thin indeed.

iPad mini might be different, very different

A Makotakara rendering that compares the Kindle Fire with Apple’s still unseen iPad mini.

The source says that the iPad mini will be slightly wider than Google’s Nexus 7 and thinner than the Amazon Kindle Fire. It’s also said the 7-inch Apple tablet borrows design cues from the third-generation iPod nano, a very interesting possibility.

And, yes, there will be 3G, writes Makotakara, which is something neither Amazon nor Google offer. Their write up also says, however, that the cellular version of the iPad mini won’t be available on all carriers.

As alluded to in the lead, Apple manufacturing partner Foxconn will make the iPad mini in Brazil, as well as China. Production is expected to begin September, which jibes well with previous rumors.

Lastly, Makotakara’s source adds that the iPhone 5 could ship in September. This is something Tapscape has been saying, as well.

When the new information agrees and builds on earlier reports, it much easier to believe…

What’s your take?

via MacRumors