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Google And Motorola “X Phone” to compete with the iPhone 5

Since Google’s acquisition of Motorola for $12.5billion, it would appear that not too much has happened. But pull back the curtains and you’ll see Google has in fact been busy at work with Motorola to create an advanced smartphone internally referred to as the X Phone to rival the iPhone 5 and next iPhone 5s.

The powerful and competitive X Phone is rumoured to be released during 2013 and signals the first actual Google and Motorola collaboration since the struggling handset manufacturer was purchased by Google. Despite no actual specifications being released, the X Phone is being referred to as a serious competitor to both Samsung and Apple, the two largest smartphone manufacturers in the market currently.

It is no secret that Motorola need a big win to bring them back onto par with their competitors, and with the power of Google behind them, it’s set up to be a success story. Pictured above is the RAZR HD, and it seems safe to assume that the new X Phone will follow a similar design, and it will be interesting to see the technical specs to the two design teams at Google and Motorola have come up with to make this both a beautiful device, but useable by consumers, and competitive with their competitors.

There is one thing that is for certain, a serious competitor is what is needed in the smartphone market to give Apple and Samsung a run for their money. The Nexus 4 was a serious step in the right direction, but the execution of the product launch unfortunately clouded the real purpose of the device.

I am very excited to see what Motorola can produce in collaboration with Google, let’s just hope they don’t mess it up, because as I’m sure Motorola know, this will be most likely their last chance to impress.