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How to save money by using technology in your home

How to save money by using technology in your home

Thinking of some different ways to modernise your home, and save yourself some money in the process? Here are a few different ways of how to save money by using and leveraging technology.

Improving on the basics

You might think of the idea of the smart home as something that will transform the look of your house into something futuristic or science-fiction-like, But in fact, it’s quite the opposite. The purpose of these sorts of development is to make your life a lot easier rather than difficult, and many companies that produce these bits of kit make them sleek and inconspicuous in design so that they don’t get in the way of your home’s ‘feng shui’. Swedish furniture giant IKEA, for example, who are getting into the smart tech game with their new line of products this year, are set on making them simple and effective pieces of furniture first, that have that technology built-in.

If you’re a bit of a technophobe, and don’t want to have screens everywhere and voices talking to you, incrementally upgrading the existing bits of kit in your house might be a good place to start. Here are some examples to get the ball rolling:

Smart meters – A simple addition to the home that many already have, and that most energy companies will provide and install on your behalf, smart meters don’t directly shave any extra cash off your growing monthly energy bill, but they do give you a valuable knowledge that you can then act upon to save money yourself. Usage patterns will show how much you’ve spent each month, and where you’re wasting the most energy, so that you can act accordingly.

Smart bulbs – Switching to LED bulbs from traditional filament/halogen alternatives will certainly save a bit of money, but why not take it one step further and install some smart lighting? It’s as easy as screwing in a lightbulb, and these hi-tech upgrades can be set on timers to turn themselves off automatically, or even voice controlled if paired up with a smart assistant like Google or Amazon’s Alexa.

Smart heating and energy – Here’s another solution that not only can save you a bit of money, but also makes your life a bit easier, too. Smart heating systems such as the Hive, for example, pair up with your smartphone and give you much more control and autonomy over your heating, whenever, wherever.

Looking at modern apartments

 As more and more apartments start popping up in-and-around cities around throughout the UK (and even worldwide), many now come with the sorts of technologies already installed and interweaved throughout, enticing the modern student or young professional.

For examples of how technology is already in effect in real estate, look to property companies such as RWinvest – not only do they use modern solutions in their new build developments throughout the UK, but they also offer tech-based solutions to those investing in property, with high-quality graphics and virtual reality tours of what their purchases will look like upon completion.

Modern properties are also much more efficient with their energy consumption and wastage, as they are better insulated and designed as opposed to legacy/old builds, which are more prone to gaps in insulation and energy leak issues. Not to mention the fact that they might not support modern technology as it develops.

Multimedia multitasking

In many cases, with ‘smart’ televisions increasing in popularity, the need for DVD players and additional boxes cluttering the space underneath the television is removed entirely. With internet connectivity and streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon and NOWTV baked-in, you’ll save money and space on those whirring boxes taking up plug sockets, as they guzzle energy and aren’t even as high-quality as what you can now get directly from your television. Remember though, you will need a decent internet connection to go completely digital!