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iPhone 6 HairGate: Are You Kidding Me?

Man, you can’t make this shtuff up. Well, actually, people can and do. HairGate (ie hair caught in and pulled by an iPhone 6) isn’t thing.
Man, you can’t make this shtuff up. Well, actually, people can and do make this stuff up, which is what #bendghazi #bendgate and now #hairgate are really all about. While I am absolutely sure someone out there has experienced HairGate (ie facial hair or hair on their head getting caught in and “pulled” by an iPhone 6), HairGate isn’t thing.

Yeah, really, while I’m not making this up, clearly some people are…

Hey, Quinn, a personal grooming tip — keep that facial hair trimmed. Neat and tight, baby.

And, in the case of Luke, the loss of neurons and intelligence. Next? HairGate kills!!!

Take it from the professionals @HairBoutique, #HairGate is very hairy, indeed.

Jen Dudley-Nicholson, you are a woman after my own heart — stay strong!

What do you think of HairGate? Ready to pull your hair out in frustration? Me, too…

What’s your take?
