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Want an iPhone Air? iPhone 6? Get In Line!

Assume the position? Apple will announce the iPhone Air, iPhone 6, etc on Tuesday, but not ship until Sept 19. The Apple Store lines have already begun…

Assume the position? Apple is expected to announce the iPhone Air, iPhone 6 and iWatch on Tuesday, September 9. The company will also introduce if not ship iOS 8. However even though the iPhones won’t ship for weeks and iWatch perhaps no until 2015, people have already begun lining up outside the 5th Avenue Apple Store in New York City.

Really, they’re already lining up.

Seven years after the original iPhone and nearly three years after Steve Jobs passed, Apple fans are still queueing up weeks in advance so they will have the chance to be the first to buy a new iPhone Air, iPhone 6 and, assuming the tech gods are smiling, iWatch. Wow.

Apple fans outside the NYC 5th Avenue on June 28,
waiting for the original iPhone to go on sale.

Some of the original enthusiasm for the iPhone has perhaps waned, but the iPhone 6 and iPhone Air that Tim Cook et al are expected to introduce on Tuesday could do a lot to rekindle those fires.

So, although the crowd waiting outside the 5th Ave Apple Store is small, that could change before the iPhone Air, iPhone 6, etc ship on Friday, September 19. Apple is about to change the world again…

What’s your take?

Source: AppleInsider, Bottom Images: 9 to 5 Mac