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Is Technology Getting Better At Combatting Pests?

Is Technology Getting Better At Combatting Pests?

Pests are a constant fact of life in the UK and countries all over the world. Humans have dealt with them for literally thousands of years. No matter what we do, irritating creatures such as cockroaches and rats will always be attracted to human settlements. Over the centuries we have come up with numerous ways to deal with these pests. Whether that’s creating complex poisons and chemicals with which to kill them, or devising ingenious traps to lure them in and catch them. But here’s the real question: are we fighting a losing battle against pests in the 21st Century? Or, on the other hand, is technology getting better at combatting them?

Is technology creating better ways to destroy pests?

The answer to the question above is yes and no. You see, like all technology, the methods being developed year on year to kill pests are progressing by leaps and bounds. Hundreds of years ago there was no pest control industry in the sense we understand it today. The idea of professional pest control only came about at the start of the 20th Century.

Something which dovetailed with the birth of this industry was the invention of powerful chemicals and pesticides. For example, the very first pest control companies were created by chemists. These people created chemicals mixes which were designed specifically to target certain pests. In fact, one of the first pesticides was created to kill wood boring beetles. These days, however, they are used to eliminate a whole range of different pest speceies.

From there, the chemical formulas only become more and more complex and deadly. Over time this technology became highly effective. Today, London pest control technicians like Diamond Pest Control are able to target and kill pests with clinical precision. Owner of Diamond, Glen, says that decades of experience have given them the ability to quickly and effectively remove pests in no time at all. The fact that technology is always developing and improving over time makes their job easier. In fact, professional peat controllers need to conatantly keep abreast of changes in the industry. A good pest control firm will enrol its staff on ongoing training courses to this end. The technology changes so rapidly that companies need to keep ahead of the curve in order to be competitive.

Along with pesticides, many types of sophisticated traps were created. Pest removal technology has progressed far beyond the traditional mouse traps. Nowadays, pest technicians use advanced bait traps which are incredibly effective. What’s more, the types of baits and poisons have reached the point to where rodents have almost no resistance.

The problem of pest control has been extensively studied

In fact, hundreds of scientists have researched effective ways to deal with pests. We now know almost everything there is to know about the lifecycle, breeding habits and biology of various pests. This knowledge has been develped to entend to a greater understanding of how to eliminate them as effectively as possible.

The bottom line is that every year the technology gets better, and pests stand less of a chance. That being said, there is a down side. As good as the technology becomes, pests are evolving to deal with it. Over time pesticides become less and less less effective. The reason for this is that pests gradually build up immunity to over-used chemicals. Some pests eventually become completely resistant to the pesticides used on them. However, the most alarming thing is that these insects and rodents can pass the immunity down to their offspring.

Many of the most common pests are adapting as fast as we come up with new ways to kill them. The best example of this is the fact that cockroaches survive so well. Did you know that many cockroaches are now almost completely immune to common pesticides? These insects have evolved and developed a resistance to even the most powerful chemicals. In order to kill them, pest control professionals have resorted to cocktails of various pesticides. And while these are working for now, the cockroaches are quickly catching up. Pests are also learning how to navigate their way around even the most complex traps. So what can we do about this?

The only real solution is to find new ways to kill pests

In light of the drawbacks old technology presents, the focus is shifting gradually away from chemicals to the more environmentally friendly and safer options 21st Century tech provides. A good example of this is heat treatments. This is a technological innovation which revolutionizes the process of exterminating insects. It uses basic science to kill bugs. The power of this technique is that it uses no chemicals, which means that insects cannot build up an immunity to the process.

Another innovation in pest control technology is the use of drones. These gadgets take the pressure of pest technicians when it comes to finding them in high places. Whereas pest controllers used to have to climb up on the roof or scale buildings to insect high place, drone can now do that job. Fitted with a camera, these drones are the eyes and ears of technicians on the ground.

Thermal imaging is also playing a part in the technological war on pests. Thermal equipment allows pest control operatives to literally see into hidden places. The equipment picks up on body heat given out by the pests. This allows far greater insight into pest presence and  activity than ever before.

Apps for phones and tablets are also being developed that give pest control experts the edge over their competitors. Not many pest control companies are taking full advantage of these apps. This means that the firms using this technology are the ones to look out for as they will have better resources.

Ultimately, humanity and pests are locked in a constant battle. Wherever we may settle, pests will quickly show up in search of food and shelter. And as long as this happens, mankind will need to come up with ever more sophisticated technology necessary to destroy them.