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Spy Technology Advancements

Spy Technology Advancements

Technology has made things possible when they were impossible before.

In the case of spy technology, Bond-esque devices are now available to consumers and those who need them for security and protection. Here are 4 notable advancements:

Spy Apps

Spy apps are software embedded in mobile phones. They’re normally used by corporate to ensure their employees do not misuse company equipment, and parents when they want to keep their kids safe.

Good spy apps, like Spyfone can do a lot of things and are unobtrusive. They can track the device via GPS and see what activities are done in apps, browser and calls.

Facial Recognition

Facial recognition technology is used on densely populated areas such as train stations, sports arenas and stadiums. Cameras have greater capabilities and have the software to identify features and unique markings.

Facial recognition has evolved to a point where the software fills up the ‘gaps’ when a full face scan isn’t available, or when it’s covered by a scarf, mask or cap.


As artificial intelligence become more advanced the greater their application in any industry. Currently, AI is being used for data analytics purposes on healthcare, public safety, telecommunications and more, thereby freeing us up for more important work.

AI can be used in conjunction with facial recognition, biometrics and others to boost their effect. Combined with cameras and sensors, AI can be made to look at any moving object with great accuracy.

Body Language Reading

Body language can be more valuable than words if used in the right spy context. Law enforcement, for example can use this to spot individuals who are acting erratically. Also, they can catch perpetrators or intruders just by keeping track of their movement and body language.

Spy tech normally seen in movies are quickly becoming commonplace, which only goes to show how far the industry has come.