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Why Personalization Is The Future for Nonprofit Donor Communication

Why Personalization Is The Future for Nonprofit Donor Communication

Consumers have come to appreciate personalized appeals from for-profit businesses that factor in demographic details and personal preferences. Learn how not-for-profit organizations can use databases with automated import management connected to donor relationship management software to benefit from the same resources for communicating about causes or making giving requests. Personalized messaging is more likely to achieve higher open and response rates than generic appeals.

How To Personalize Donor Outreach Through Direct Mail

Direct mail is a conventional donor outreach method that can benefit from new strategies for personalization. Some of the best approaches include grouping or segmenting donor records based on factors such as demographics and locations or drawing on records of recent giving from non profit financial software to acknowledge donor histories in appeals.

The most effective approach to personalization goes beyond simply plugging personal details into form letters. Aim to customize the contents or presentation of direct mail giving appeals on the basis of specific information about donors or groups. Practically any data points can be used to segment donor records for targeted appeals. Combining intelligent information with conventional fundraising methods can prove very effective, particularly for organizations seeking more cost-effective ways to touch base with supporters who are most likely to give.

How To Personalize Donor Outreach Through Email

Email updates or giving requests can be more cost-effective and easy to customize than direct mail initiatives. While these approaches may be less likely to stand out, the right approach can significantly raise message open and conversion rates, resulting in increased donations or online engagement. An organization should go beyond plugging in names and basic giving details to acknowledge other information that has been gathered about constituents, such as their priorities when it comes to a cause or elements of the mission of an organization.

A cloud integration solution for nonprofits is one of the best ways to inform any fundraising appeal. By making accurate constituent information readily available across software platforms, a cloud-based integration solution provides stakeholders with access to the information needed for fundraising through any medium anywhere at any time. Email is only one method of digital fundraising, and the same information can be used to customize asks and updates across other platforms.

How To Expand Personalization To Other Platforms

Offline fundraising methods such as in-person or virtual events and fundraising calls also benefit when stakeholders have access to accurate contact information, demographic details and giving records. Posting or sending out giving appeals on online services such as social media is also easier and can be more effective when this information is available to the stakeholders and staff at a nonprofit.

Whether your organization is pursuing a digital or direct mail fundraising initiative, it is important to pursue personalization. Constituents are more likely to open, engage with and make donations to causes that dedicate the time and resources to crafting personalized appeals. Whether you use segmentation or grouping in donor relationship management software to send out customized communication, an organization should have access to the most accurate constituent information across platforms for successful fundraising initiatives.