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Why Should You Market Your Business on Twitter?

Why Should You Market Your Business on Twitter?

Twitter is one of the famous social media platforms suitable for business marketing. However, this platform was established in 2006. It started only as an online message board and was updated via text.

Twitter has continued to grow until where it is today. It is one of the most extensive social networks across the world. It has over 300 million users today, and these users produce over 500 million tweets daily.

Over time, marketers have realized that Twitter could be an excellent marketing option. The higher number of users has made it possible for businesses to succeed through this social media platform. This can be easily done through the utilization of third party platforms that guarantee you get enough Twitter followers for marketing.

If you want to implement Twitter marketing strategies in your social media marketing, what are the benefits?

Let’s dive in:

It has Direct Messaging That Creates Genuine Connections

Twitter is made like its competitors. This platform has a feature for direct messaging to private conversations. It, therefore, means you can have a conversation between yourself and another user privately.

However, to do that, you have to follow each other to get the chance to communicate.

Sometimes, this seems a hurdle, especially for a marketer. This is because you want to communicate with influencers and sometimes with essential industry players.

The good thing with Twitter is that reserving the direct messaging for mutual will ensure you have a worthwhile conversation – personalized, authentic, and engaging.

Tags that encourage engagements

The other reason why Twitter is turning out to be an effective social media marketing platform is the tags feature. This is represented by @ symbol, and in this social network, it goes a long way. The symbol helps to send others notifications to guarantee your tweet is viewed. Moreover, this symbol could also attribute an article or quote you’re sharing on the platform.

Over time, Twitter has developed into a content discovery. It means that people who don’t follow you could also see your tweets. It happens, particularly when multiple users like your tweet.

The app has an algorithm and suggests to other users that they are maybe interested to see what you tweet. This feature helps in your business marketing because your tweet engagement leads to the front of new eyes. It, therefore, increases reach and engagement for your business.

It’s not annoying to post multiple times in a day

Studies indicate that this is the only Platform you’re allowed to at least post even 15 times in a day. This is an advantage, which is unlike the competitors Instagram and Facebook.

Unfortunately, tweets have a short lifespan. It’s therefore essential to keep regular updates for your business to stay relevant.

If you are a marketer, you should take the opportunity and make your business thrive on Twitter. You, therefore, have to integrate with varied mixed content that educates and entertains your followers to keep them engaged.

Outstandingly, this platform accepts you to post images, text, live video, polls, and text. All these help encourage conversation differently.

It Showcases Your Brand Voice

Twitter has a robust posting schedule. This is an opportunity for marketing your business because it’s a network that can help your brand develop its public personality and voice. However, it depends on the industry of your business. Tweets will always have an authoritative voice.

Perhaps, if you have been following the trend, fast food companies are revolutionizing their branding because of Twitter – particularly in a notable way.

If you put consistent brand voice while marketing on Twitter, this will be archived for prospective customers researching how you interact with followers. The open format will not leave anything to the imagination, making some have experienced after problematic tweets resurface. 

Influencers Will Boost Your Campaigns

Marketing is vital for your business, especially a startup one. If you opt to market it through Twitter, you can get another advantage: influencers boosting your campaigns.

Two years ago, there was no doubt that the power of an influencer was viral for your business. Influencers are modern social media celebrities. Some studies reported that influencer campaigns could yield $7.65 for each $1 you spend.

Twitter has massive potential for marketing your business. If you choose to follow the right marketing strategies for your business, you’re likely to achieve a 2X increase after consumers see tweets from influencers and brands. The numbers you will get won’t lie, and this shows there is potential.