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Bitrix24 iPhone App Review: A Corporate Social Intranet

bitrix24 iphone app

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Bitrix24 is an iPhone app developed by Bitrix Inc. This business-focused app aims to create a social intranet or a unified work space for a company. Bitrix24 also features a simple, intuitive interface that is simple to wrap your head around, even for first-time users.

In my own business experience, the biggest issue most teams face is clear, concise, and coherent communication. It’s truly staggering how many people cause problems at work simply because they aren’t good at communicating effectively. With Bitrix24 in place, however, teams can communicate more effectively with each other, and managers can better oversee their employees.

Bitrix24 acts as central location for aggregating your business communication and information so that it is accessible at any time. In addition to its usefulness as a place to store information for review at a later date, Bitrix24 also lets users give immediate feedback and reactions to other team members as a project progresses.

The upside of all this communication: you’ll have need for fewer meetings…and the meetings you do have will be far more productive because of your increased communication through Bitrix24.

Bitrix24 is a secure cloud service. Your data is safely maintained and access to it is provided through only through the access rights granted by you.

If you need to foster a more social work culture, Bitrix works like a typical social network…but with a more corporate aim. Featuring shared calendars and secure exchanges, Bitrix24 is a great way to share information among the employees of your company.

More personal than memos, IM, or email, Bitrix24 fosters a sense of community, and makes sure that the community is ready to get things done. 

Bitrix24 is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 5.1 or later. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.