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The Eyes Have It, Convincing iPhone 5S Videos Surface

You have seen the mockups and spy photos, but are you ready to drink in the full motion goodness of the champagne iPhone 5S video? But, that's not all…

You have seen the mockups and spy photos, but are you ready to drink in the full motion goodness of the champagne iPhone 5S video? But, that’s not all, iPhone fan boys and grrlz, we also have a clip of the near legendary graphite (a.k.a. gun metal gray) iPhone 5S.

In truth, the things folks are getting excited about are just the back panels, which will act as stand ins for our collective iPhone 5S techno lust until Apple actually ships, which very much looks like will happen one Friday, September 20 — circle the date (in pencil).

Champagne iPhone 5S Video

Truth in rumorolgy? The volume and consistency of the rumors indicate that an A7-powered iPhone 5S available in four colors — black, white, champagne and graphite — would seem to be sure things. However, as I’m oft fond of saying, never underestimate Apple’s ability to surprise and delight.

Graphite iPhone 5S Video

Somebody open a window because I’m getting seriously light-headed just off the pharmaceutical grade hype wafting off these spy videos.

Are you excited about Apple’s Fall 2013 smartphone refresh or is the iPhone 5S, as rumored, just too conservative for your taste? Inquiring minds want to know…