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Was It Good for You? See Twitter’s Apple Watch-gasm

Americans as well as people all 'round the planet, were excited — really, really excited — to see the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus and the Apple Watch.

I don’t smoke, but I really want one right about now. During Tim Cook’s Tuesday, September 9 Apple Event keynote address, Americans as well as people all ’round the planet, were excited — really, really excited — to see the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus and, then in the penultimate moment, the Apple Watch.

If Tuesday’s Apple Event had wrapped up after the introduction of the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus and Apple Pay, many would have been satisfied. However, with a flourish reminiscent of Apple founder Steve Jobs, current CEO Tim Cook stepped out of his predecessor’s shadow to put his own dent in the universe.

“But we’re not quite finished yet,” said Tim Cook at roughly 55:20 into his Keynote Address. “We have one more thing.”

And, the crowd roared its approval and so did Twitter. People at the event and watching online unleashed torrents of Tweets referencing the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, Apple Pay and, then, Apple Watch — the explosions of red you see toward the end of the animated Tweet map of the US.

Oh, baby, don’t stop!

Again, although Apple Pay and Apple Watch could ultimately fail in the marketplace, Tim Cook has at the very least come out of Steve Jobs shadow, delivering a memorable keynote address with products that will go down in history, one way or another…

What’s your take?

Source: CartoDB via Twitter