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Paper Train HD Review

Price: $2.99   Score: 8/10   Category: Games

If you’re a fan of the hugely popular air-traffic control sim Flight Control, then you’re going to love Paper Train.

Developed by Istom Games, the aim of the game is to control railway traffic – get as many trains home as possible, while avoiding any crashes.

There are 30 wonderful hand-drawn maps in the game, each featuring unique challenges and multiple numbers of tracks, trains and control points.

Rather than control the trains themselves ala Flight Control, you control the tracks in Paper Train using a number of signal points that allow you to stop and start the trains. A red square means stop, green means go and blue changes the tracks.

Everytime you are able to safely guide a train off the map you’re awarded 100 points, but every time you use a control square you lose 10 points – so you have to try and make a minimum of moves to get those elusive high scores.

Each level also has a native wandering cow population to make the whole thing that much more difficult. Saving the bovine beasts from a squishy end earns you a further 100 points per cow.

With four different difficulty levels and online high scores to keep you motivated, Paper Train and Paper Train HD are great games for the train controller in all of us.

**The soon-to-be released version 1.2 of the game is coming with 15 all-new levels**

Paper Train HD is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later