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ToDo for iPad is a Straight to the Point Task Manager

Price: $4.99    Score: 8/10    Category: Productivity

Appigo’s To Do for iPad is a clean and clever to do list app with an old school datebook design and down to business feature set.

Overall, ToDo for iPad is set up in three general sections. There’s the plastic divider tab that provides you with a numeric overview of your unmet tasks, the home page that gives you access to each individual task, and the settings tab at the back of the book that lets you customize the app for your needs.

The first plastic looking divider tab is a numeric overview of your tasks as they exist within your app. If you’re looking for a quick, general glance at whether you have 2 or 20 unmet tasks, this is the place to look. In addition to showing all of your tasks, this specific page also lets you view your starred tasks Inbox tasks, and the number of tasks you have to do in any specific category you’ve created.

What’s nice about this tab is that you can edit your to do list categories straight from this part of the app by pressing the plain in sight edit button at the bottom. You can also use the embossed looking arrow in the upper right hand corner of the divider to flip to your main to do list page.

The to do list page itself has a nice, text based design that lets you see all your completed, upcoming, current, and overdue tasks. Each individual to do is listed in bold with a due date, color label, category, and all satisfying checkbox for checking when you complete what you set out to achieve. When tasks are started or if they include more notes, small graphics are displayed on the right hand side of that specific task.

If categories aren’t enough to manage you tasks, there’s a magnifying glass search that lets you search to find exactly what you need. The list looking button on the upper right allows you to move tasks or schedule specific completion dates in a little pop up calendar.

When it comes to actually adding tasks, you click on one of the two top right buttons in the task page. The lightning bolt+ icon lets you add quick-tasks on the go while the big plus lets you add more detailed task types. This includes normal, project, or checklist task types with the ability to add locations, contacts for calling, texting or emailing, or just website URLs necessary for your note.

When you start to get into beefier options, the app lets you flag, prioritize, add notes, and filter things based on tags, context, date, due status, and other features. You can also create task reminder alerts that notify you when you’re connected to WiFi and 3G.

For people with to do lists in more than one place, ToDo gives you the option to set up automatic task syncs with with iCal, Outlook, or Toodledo. You can also share your tasks in email with the power to work both directions.

The last page of the app displays the overall settings. It allows you to display or hide completed tasks, sort based on different settings (due date, priority, alphabetical, etc), create alert sounds and emails, edit task synchronization settings, create focus list settings, and more.

You can also edit the app visually to display different icon themes, list colors, and the overall notebook aesthetic. Last but not least, you can change the overall aesthetic notebook themes. This is a great way to customize the app in fun, minimal ways. For example, you can switch between different colors and features in the rings, brackets, paper and binder.

Overall, this is a great app for organizing to do lists. There are enough features to please even the most knit picky of task managers but this app doesn’t feel as overwhelming as some of its competitors. That said, this app is mostly text based and I kind of miss the big calendar view that lets you see what your month looks like on a full iPad screen. If you’re more of a text based task person you’ll probably love this app though, and its clean and clever notebook design will compete with just about anyone on the market to date..

Bottom Line: ToDo for iPad is a list based, straight-to-the-point to do list manager for with a clean and clever notebook design.