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WWDC 2014 Keynote Announced: What to Expect

Though Apple has formally confirmed the date and time of WWDC 2014 keynote, there is much left to wonder about, including Angela Arendts

There was very little doubt when Tim Cook, Phil Schiller, Craig Federighi, Eddy Cue et al would take the stage for the WWDC 2014 keynote address. Apple has, however, formally confirmed the date and time. Still, there is much left to wonder about, including Angela Arendts, Jimmy Iovine and Dr Dre.

iMore and a host other blogs and news sites are reporting that the WWDC 2014 keynote will begin at 10AM (Pacific Standard Time) on Monday, June 2.

Now that we know the date for use, the question of content comes to mind. Naturally, Apple isn’t saying, but Tapscape has a few thoughts on the subject.

Pretty much every WWDC keynote kicks off with a “state of Apple” intro from Tim Cook, which generally includes an update on what’s new/interesting with the Apple Store. If Apple’s new senior VP of retail, Angela Arendts makes an appearance, it will likely be during this segment of the keynote.

WWDC 2014 Keynote: OS X, Mac

Poor, poor Macintosh now more. For years, the Mac has gotten short shrift at WWDC. This year that is expected to change as the Mac and OS X take center stage.

Apple Senior Software VP Craig Federighi will introduce OS X 10.10 Syrah, the first major user interface rewrite for OS X in roughly seven years.

Last year, iOS 7 delivered Senior Design VP Jony Ive’s re-imagening of Apple’s mobile operating system. This year, Ive and design doyens have turned their attention to OS X, though little is known about what they plan to do.

For what it’s worth, it’s fairly safe to assume that OS X 10.10 will be flatter and less cluttered than earlier versions of Apple desktop operating systems. First on the chopping block will be skeuomorphic design elements, like the torn page edges of the Notes and Calendar apps.

On the hardware front, an updated Mac mini is certainly overdue. Nevertheless, the rumor mill has been almost completely silent on the subject since January — never underestimate Apple’s ability to disappoint.

WWDC 2014 Keynote: iPhone 6, iOS 8

Apple’s big 2014 mobile reveals are expected to a larger five-inch-or-so iPhone 6 and iPads with TouchID sensors. Neither of these innovations will be revealed during the WWDC 2014 keynote.

What we will see is a preview of iOS 8. Look for much-improved Siri, Maps and a new app/feature called HealthBook. If an Apple smartwatch is coming in 2014, this is when we’re likely to hear about it as iWatch is said to be tightly integrated with HealthBook and iOS 8.

And, by “hear about” I don’t mean directly. That is, once developers get their hands on beta seeds of iOS 8, clues buried deep in the code will be uncovered.

Fundamentally, with Jony Ive’s 2013 iOS 7 rewrite still fresh in the minds of users and partially undigested by developers, don’t look for big functional changes in iOS 8.

Surprise Guests? One More Thing?

And, what about Apple’s newest “executives,” Jimmy Iovine and Dr Dre? Funny how quickly the Apple buys Beats rumors faded, isn’t it. While the deal may still be on, it seems unlikely that the mothership will be making room for these two in the executive suite.

That said, Tim Cook’s Apple is looking less and less like Steve Jobs Apple. From dividends, stock buy backs and charitable giving matches, Cook isn’t the iCEO.

Nevertheless, it wouldn’t surprise me to see Tim Cook borrow one Steve’s trademark gimmicks — one more thing (See also: Steve Jobs does ‘One more thing’ 30 times). Perhaps the iWatch will get one more thing’d at the end of the WWDC 2014 keynote?

Sounds like an insanely great idea to me…

What’s your take?