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Facebook Integration Coming in iOS 6, a.k.a. ‘Sundance’

No more “zucking” around. It appears two previous false starts — Ping and iOS 4 integration, neither of which made it out of beta — have been forgotten and all signs now point to an imminent hook up between the companies. Whereas Facebook’s various dalliances with OS-level Android integration haven’t been fruitful, the time now is ripe to take its relationship with Cupertino to the next level.

Although Apple’s official Facebook page doesn’t yet show any change in relationship status, the company’s long courtship with the leading social media site is moving beyond flirtation.

Two become one?

According to MG Siegler, who’s still with TechCrunch, Facebook will gain single login functionality in Apple’s upcoming iOS 6. Yes, Facebook is one of the most popular apps on the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, but the user experience is fractured with separate logins required in the numerous apps — Safari, Four Square, Zite, Flipboard, NPR, etc. — that offer Facebook integration.

That said, though OS X Mountain Lion, which will be released this Summer, is gaining OS-level (single login) Twitter integration, Facebook won’t make the cut this time around.

As with all things Facebook, however, I’m somewhat leery of a single “set it and forget it” Facebook login on my family’s various i-things. Apple, I (mostly) trust. Zuckerberg? Not so much.

I would love to read the prenup…

What’s your take?