5 Tips For Choosing Your Brand's Domain Name

Selecting a domain name is not rocket science. All you need is to know the available options and use some simple techniques to get the best domain name for your business. A strong web presence is not just a must. It can also create a boost in visibility for your project. You should be aware that your online presence is just as important as your physical presence, as that is where your customers are likely to find you.

The foundation on which this presence is built will be your domain name. This explains why some of the shorter, more memorable names cost more and are considered premium domains. If you are a new business, you probably don’t have the capital to register a premium domain name, although you might get a discount on a site like saw.com if you do your research. However, a little thought is all it takes to make a mark on the web without having to pay a high price for it is getting a name that perfectly suits your brand.

Here are some tips to achieve this.

1. Include your Brand Name

Your website is a crucial part of your brand identity, so it should reflect your company name. Now, there may be a chance that your company name is already in use, but that doesn’t mean you should give up. Before you consider losing the brand name, try getting it in a different domain extension. The Internet has over 1,200 new domain extensions available, such as .TECH, .ONLINE, .SITE, .WEBSITE, .SPACE, and .STORE, with which you could get the name you want.

Extensions like these can help identify different industries or sectors and stand out from the crowd. These new domain endings open up a new opportunity to convey your company’s focus if your brand is potentially generic. For example, www.louder.online is a digital advertising agency.

Also, don’t worry about the impact of the new domain extensions on your search ranking. In fact, according to one study, new domain extensions can actually help with your on-page SEO.

2. Put Yourself in the Customer’s Shoes

Imagine a customer telling their friend about your business. Is it easy for them to remember and pass on your domain name? Keeping your domain name simple is always better. Avoid hyphens, numbers and odd spellings that lend themselves to typos. A short domain name will always be memorable.

Consider securing a web address that is easy to remember (and spell) while reflecting what your brand is all about. Investing in a two- or three-character domain name can be great, but the premium pricing simply won’t be feasible for most new businesses like yours. New domain extensions come in handy here, as they will allow you to secure a simple, memorable and, most importantly, available domain name.

Consider the following: the domain name should communicate to the user what the website is about.

3. Have a Clear Purpose

You need to outline the purpose of your website. This can be tricky for larger brands that offer a wide range of services, which is why they often focus on a less differentiated brand name. However, for most new businesses, there is merit in making it easier for new people to know what your company does just by knowing your domain name.

For example, when you see a domain name like www.foodtruck.online, you know that the website has something to do with food or beverages.

4. Do a Competitive Analysis

In addition to considering your consumers and your brand identity, think about how your brand can differentiate itself from your competitors. With billions of active websites in the world, standing out is not that easy. So, research your competitors’ domain names and think about the factors that make your brand different. What descriptors do your customers use to describe your brand? Are there any terms you can include in your domain name that will help you stand out?

5. Research Domain name Options, Conduct keyword Research.

If your company name is unavailable or expensive, or you simply want to explore other domain name options, do some keyword research to get creative ideas flowing. Tools like SEMRush and Google Keyword Planner can tell you how many people search for certain keywords by month and location. Look for keywords that identify with your business and then check which ones stand out and how popular they are.