Smartphones have been de facto divided into Android and iOS categories. Android is the larger of the two with huge number of devices shipping with the operating system installed. It’s the king of smartphones and one of its ministers appears to working on creating his/her own kingdom.
Huawei, one of the most popular smartphone brands in China is working on its own operating system for phones, tablets, and even computers (desktops/laptops), according to various sources. The specifics of the operating system are unknown, however, it can be speculated that, if the news is true, that the OS will focus more on the smartphone compared to its counterparts (tablet, laptop, desktop).

Chinese smartphone brands have been facing tough time selling phones in the United States. ZTE, a top chinese smartphone maker was recently banned from selling its phone in the US after it was found to be violating the country’s trade policies. The trade ban may result in ZTE losing its Android license, meaning it won’t be able to create devices running Android anymore.
Huawei, another chinese company (facing tough times in the US) appears to be working on a backup plan if it suffers the same fate in the future. In the past, ZTE and Huawei were subjected to a national security investigation in 2012. Huawei hasn’t been doing particularly well in the US, in terms of sales, however, the Android license is very important to the firm for its Chinese sales. If the company is found to be violating trade policies, it will have to stop making Android phones; that would make the smartphone sector of the company go defunct.

Sources report that, Huawei won’t be releasing its own operating system (OS) unless it finds itself without an OS to work with. Huawei in the past also said that, it won’t be releasing an in-house OS in the foreseeable future.