Can You Find a Better PhoneBurner Alternative on the CRM Market?

What Are the Main Disadvantages That PhoneBurner Competitors Must Cover?

PhoneBurner is one of the top CRMs on the market that is focused on the dialer segment. Of course, it provides other features as well, but it focuses on those of the communication segment. Because of that, it is not the best option for many companies. It has several disadvantages that may negatively affect your company. So, if you consider that the disadvantages mentioned below are harmful to your business, then you should consider the PhoneBurner competitors. And if you decide to do exactly that, then you need to make sure that the PhoneBurner alternative can cover the disadvantages mentioned below.

  • Costly local IDs. A local ID means a phone number that will be randomly generated and that you can use to call your leads. In general, a top CRM that focuses on communication provide them for free. Meaning that everything is included in the price of the packages. On the other hand, you will need to pay $5 per month per local ID. And the more you buy, the lesser the price will be. But you will still need to pay hundreds of dollars more than the basic package.
  • Lacking SMS resources. Another disadvantage that a PhoneBurner alternative must overcome is the lacking resources provided for SMS communication. Not only do you need to pay $24.95 extra for accessing this type of communication, but you only get 1000 SMS per month. So, if your company uses more than that, then you should immediately look for a better alternative.
  • Lacking marketing features. And lastly, the marketing alternatives of PhoneBurner are lackluster. Although they are there, they are mediocre compared with its other features and those of its competitors. So, if you are going to use this software, then you need to make sure that the marketing capabilities of your company are top-notch. And that they only need minimal help from the CRM. Otherwise, you are much better off using another CRM.

Extra Features That the PhoneBurner Competitors Must Provide!

Besides the disadvantages that can be found, there are several features that this CRM lacks. And if you want them, then you will need to check the PhoneBurner competitors. 3 important features will most likely be a massive help to your company. And it is recommended that you try your best to find reliable software that can provide all of them. Keep in mind that the future of your company will be drastically influenced by your choice. So, you should strive to make the best possible choice.

  • Payment processing. The first feature that PhoneBurner lacks almost completely is payment processing. Other top CRMs include this set of features to ensure that their clients can receive payments from as many clients as possible. They provide different payment methods that will increase the market that your company can access. Also, there are other methods, such as recurring payments, that you can use depending on the needs of your company.
  • E-signature. If the relation between your company and your clients requires the signing of documents, then this feature is an irreplaceable one. Saving the time of your clients and increasing the convenience that your company provides is a great marketing method that will bring you a lot of new customers in the future. Also, you can save a lot of time for you and your employees, thus increasing the efficiency of the company even more.
  • Customization. There are 2 factors that you need to consider while thinking about this feature. Firstly, most companies, even those in the same industry, have many differences between them. Secondly, a growing company will have to adapt and modify its processes and systems to optimize its operations. So, a customizable PhoneBurner alternative will allow you to access diversity. And it will also help you maximize the benefits that you get from the optimizations. On the other hand, PhoneBurner is quite rigid, and there are too few things that you can customize.

Where Can You Find the Best PhoneBurner Alternative for Your Company?

If your conclusion is that you need to look for a PhoneBurner alternative, then the next question that you should have is where can you find the best alternative? Well, your goal is not only to find a top CRM. It is actually to find one that is compatible with your company. And it can provide all the features that you will need right now and in the future. Below you will find 3 simple steps that you can follow to find the best CRM alternative for your needs.

  • Find the top alternatives on the market. The first step is to look for the best PhoneBurner competitors. on the market. The variety of choices is very large. But only a few can be considered the top choices. So, you should focus on those. Why? Well, even if their prices are higher, you can be sure that the returns will be higher as well. So, you can make use of the information that you found in this article and find the top CRMs on the market.
  • Compare them and find the top ones. The next step is to compare them. There will always be differences between CRMs. And you only need the options that are the most compatible with your company. So, your goal is to compare them and find the CRMs that will bring the most benefits to your company. Do not choose the best one directly. Keep an eye on the top 3 or 5 choices and prepare for the next step.
  • Use the demos to test their capabilities. Most CRMs that you will find on the market use a demo as a method to allow their potential clients to determine if their software is the best alternative for their companies. So, you should make use of this opportunity to determine this. And the best method is to test at least the top 3 options that you found. Only after you do this step should you make your final choice.