iphone 5 galaxy s 3 ad

iphone 5 galaxy s 3 ad

Hell hath no fury like a Samsung scorned. I’m pretty sure that’s how the saying goes right? It seems Samsung is still quite upset about losing the recent patent battle to Apple. Its taking direct aim at the iPhone 5 in a new Galaxy S 3 ad.

“It doesn’t take a genius” is the title of the add and it goes tit for tat on specs for the iPhone 5 vs. Galaxy S III. The ad’s heading is an obvious play on Apple’s Apple store “geniuses”.  I’ll be honest, the Galaxy S 3 does blow the iPhone 5 out of the water specs wise, its just surprising to see such a blatant call out from Samsung in an official ad. In my opinion it makes Samsung look slightly immature. What they should do here is brush themselves off from the Apple patent case and look to revamp their product lineup to ensure it doesn’t happen again.

The other thing to consider here is Apple and Samsung have an ongoing business relationship as all iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch processors are made by Samsung. I understand calling out a competitor, but it seems unwise to do it when they’re a pretty large customer as well.

I suppose the ad has had its desired affect though given the buzz its generated.

galaxy s III ad

What do you think about Samsung’s ad?  Tell us in the comments.