Price: $1.99    Score: 8/10    Category: Medical

Rapid Paed ECG is a new app for paediatric ECG interpretation developed by Dr. Marion Tipple. Dr. Tipple is a staff specialist paediatric cardiology and pacing at the Children’s Heart Centre, British Columbia Children’s Hospital and a Clinical Professor at the University of British Columbia.

Rapid Paed ECG is a welcome addition for anyone studying or practicing paediatrics.  They say that mastering ECGs requires seeing thousands but having a systematic approach to ECGs is a prerequisite. The apps goal is not to be an exhaustive library of ECGs but to provide the user with a clear and logical method for reading ECGs.

It starts with the basics of lead placement and what each part of the tracing means.  As a paediatric specific app it also gives the standard reference ranges for age groups from neonates to adolescents. One of the best features of this app, lacking in so many books, is a section on normal variations and their frequency of presentation.  This is hugely helpful to those just starting out who might tend to think of the reference values as a hard and fast indication of normality.

The app continues with a walk through of an example ECG allowing the user to work through, step by step, the prescribed method of ECG interpreting. Here, the apps use of landscape comes in handy. The ECGs are of good resolution and allow the user to zoom in to appreciate subtle features.

Finally, Rapid Paed ECG  has 8 ECGs with the clinical presentation of the patient which allows the user to practice the skills acquired.

Bottom Line: Rapid Paed ECG is a great app for covering the basics of paediatric ECG interpretation. A great tool for those studying or working around children who need the confidence of being able to skilfully and logically interpret ECGs.

Rapid Paed ECG is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.1 or later

This review was written by Sebastien Haiart, Editor-in-Chief of MDinform, a website that provides up to date relevant reviews of the newest medical literature, apps, and books.