Guys, is anyone surprised at such a rapid extension of social networks? Or the fact that people globally replace the ordinary live communication with virtual? If my grandmother were lucky enough to see today’s virtual world, she would be very surprised and I am sure she wouldn’t realize it fully.
Well, now essentially. Social networking is another leverage on the masses and the space for self-expression. This circumstance can be used both for entertainment purposes and for commercial ones. Moreover, when it comes to money, then the general interest is sharpened and much more effort is made for the development and growth.
How can companies promote their brand in social networks? It is best to use viral marketing. By the way, here on blog, you will find more information about viral and Digital marketing. Now it has become easier and more profitable for companies to post exciting posts on their pages on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn etc. instead of hiring people who will implement the word of mouth method. However, not all publications can become viral. To develop a formula for viral content, you need to audit your posts.
What does viral social networking marketing do?
This method of promotion is cheaper than traditional advertising, although sometimes it requires significant investments: creativity, humor and effort. With the right approach, viral social media campaigns, and content in particular, will help you achieve your business goals. The history of marketing captured many examples where the placement of thoughtful, carefully planned posts solved many of the company’s objectives:
- increasing awareness;
- improving of the reputation;
- getting loyal customers;
- increasing of sales.
One of the companies that can create bright posts is the well-known Starbucks. The secret of the generating of viral content is publishing of colorful and original pictures, complementing them with the most concise text with various emoji. Judging by the number of subscribers — more than 37 million on Facebook and 11 million on Twitter — users like this strategy. Company’s posts rarely gain less than 1000 reposts.

The content of your company also can be viral, the main thing is to determine the most appropriate types of posts and plan your SMM strategy.
8 types of publications that are often shared
1. Questions and polls
Asking questions is the easiest way to interact with your target audience. The advantage of questions is that the answers to them can be used as the basis for new posts. People are always interested in the results of surveys and studies, especially if they differ from the expected ones. You can add a small incentive to the results post to motivate users to interact with you further.
Suppose you are the owner or employee of a restaurant. Ask your audience about which dish it considers the most delicious in the world. Then calculate the results and offer users a secret recipe for the winning food from the chef. They will appreciate your generosity! … Just try this way do not hurt the chef’s pride 😉
2. Quizzes and tests
The well-known Internet news company BuzzFeed made such content with its schtick, which helped it to raise awareness and receive an impressive number of visitors every day.

The entertainment media portal Social Media Today also publishes tests and quizzes, because they are in demand among users. People need to be distracted from their everyday problems from time to time. After the visitor has solved your puzzle, he will share it in order to check if someone else can cope with the task.
3. Motivational messages
The secret of the popularity of such content lies in the psychological characteristics of people. Sometimes we have no enough strength and inspiration to do something important. However, posts in the form of a call to action and photos of any model are unlikely to work.
People need examples from life, because it is the most powerful motivation when you realize that someone else has achieved his goal or is engaged in a very useful work. Such content causes users strong emotions, so they share them.
4. «Do it yourself» (DIY)
Instructions and detailed action plans remain in the list of requested content. Simple algorithms help users accomplish what they could not make before, increase people’s confidence in themselves and make their lives easier.
5. Infographics
This type of content is shared 4 times more than others, although it is not new. The secret to the success of infographics is its visibility. Users immediately see all the data and remember them better. Concise key information is perceived more easily than a long text with background information.
6. Various listings
Such posts are readily shared, because they usually provide useful information. For example, items you cannot go without in a train, tips which simplify the preparation of a particular dish. There are many options. Just define your clients’ favorite activities and lifestyle to prepare some useful TOP for them.
7. Conflicting posts
The creation of such content should be approached with caution, because it can provoke negative comments instead of the likes and reposts. You can find out in a couple of clicks how to find most liked post on Facebook or on another popular social network (on any pages).
Nevertheless, if you think about the content of the post, you can achieve virality. Try not to hurt the feelings of your potential customers, not to use religious, racial, military and other serious topics. Here is an example of a controversial post that worked:

This statement is serious, but it is philosophical, and philosophy, as we know, accepts different opinions.
8. «Give it a name»
Such posts are another way to appeal to the imagination of the target audience. Collect several non-standard, but related images, videos or animations and ask your subscribers to give them a name. You can use the typical title “What would you call it?” or come up with some original text.
The most popular posts evoke emotions (anger, joy, fear, delight) or provide valuable information. Bright unusual images and information that were presented with ease also matter. Test your content, track its effectiveness and you will understand what materials should be placed in the future with the best return.
Here is a helpful video which will complement the topic
I hope that after watching this video and reading article, you will be able to create more popular posts using any type of social media content.