How To Expand Your Marketing Strategy In 2021

As a business owner, ensuring you have all the needed systems prepared is vital. Think of it this way: How can your business function and hope to survive without their existence? Together with HR systems, accounting systems, and others, it has taken a decent number of years, but marketing is currently recognized as a crucial part of the key systems of businesses.

The benefits of a good marketing strategy will be noticeable as you improve your visibility among different audiences, build your brand, and gain an edge among the tough competition.

On the other hand, the reputation of your business is crucial. As you market through advertising or online engaging with customers, being transparent, and utilizing smart marketing techniques, you’ll improve your reputation.

Without a doubt, marketing is a crucial part of generating sales and establishing a brand for any type and size of business. Nevertheless, if you’re wondering how you can expand your marketing strategy this 2021, then here are 12 ways to consider:

1. Use Social Media

Undeniably, social media has been one of the most effective ways to improve brand recognition for several years. However, there are still various ways to improve. Thus, your marketing strategy this 2021 must include all the platforms causing the hype among people like TikTok. This social media platform is perfect to use if you want to deliver content through videos.

Depending on the services and products you’re offering, video marketing is a good way to communicate with your customers or target audience. In less time, you can say a lot, stay memorable, and showcase your brand.

While you’re at it, you can go live as well. A live stream is another excellent way to boost retention and keep in touch with your customers. In fact, it’s an affordable way to foster meaningful relationships.

However, if you don’t have time for social media, you can seek help from micro-influencers. Such persons are always active on different social media platforms and have a considerable following, ranging from 1,000 to 100,000 or more. Also, micro-influencers have an audience that focuses on a certain niche and a strong relationship with their followings.

With social media, you can sell your products directly. Facebook, Instagram, and even Pinterest have different tools that will allow you to showcase your services and products. All you need to do is come up with and maintain an engaging profile while marketing your brand on every platform.

2. SMS Marketing

We all know that text messaging has been there for quite some time, but currently, it’s on the rise as one of the most effective digital marketing channels. Once users opt in to your list, you can send them appointment reminders, surveys, coupons, updates, special promotions, and much more.

If you’re planning to use your existing phone for this strategy yet want to keep your personal and business life separate, you may want to invest in an auto dialer app. With this app, you can send SMS, make a custom note on a sales lead, receive inbound calls, make outbound calls, do multi-call handling, and more.

3. Boost the Exposure of Your Website

When it comes to your business website, one of the most important things that you need to do is to optimize it for Google’s new updates. This 2021, Google wants a mobile-friendly and faster website that doesn’t upset visitors with not too relevant advertisements. Visitors need to feel that their time isn’t wasted on your site.

Elements and pages should load more rapidly. There should not be anything on your page that may interrupt the browsing session of users. Unlike before, your website should be responsive. If your team isn’t working to optimize your website, Google will definitely drop your ranking and you’ll have a difficult time attracting people to visit your site.

By this time, you know that everyone has all the power in their hands. Usually, they want to find out how far their electronic devices can go, and literally, they want their voices to be heard. Hence, enabled voice research might improve your website’s experience. Keep an eye on long-tail keywords and consider what queries your target audience might ask. If your website is optimized for voice search, you’ll get a better ranking as a reward from Google.

Another marketing strategy that you should also use is the local SEO. When you list your website on Google My Business, you’ll obtain free business profiles as well as the chance to reach out to your future clients through Google Maps. You can post offers and images to showcase your services and products and help your prospective clients reach out immediately.

4. Take Advantage of Email Marketing

Email marketing is another great way to expand your marketing strategy in 2021. Because customers get a lot of email every day from different marketers, you need to create a plan that really stands out and converts leads to real customers.  

Your email must be customized for every receiver and come with a responsive design that can be properly viewed on mobile devices and desktops. Fortunately, there are now several online tools that you can use to send personalized emails to thousands of people easily. With the right tools, you can access analytics and check how many people read your emails and subscribe or unsubscribe to your email list.

5. Focus on the Things You Can Do

All rules and regulations have stated what your business cannot do. So, as the business owner, you need to look at the things that you can do. For instance, when a café was told it could not accept clients outdoors, it transitioned to having big outdoor patios, delivery, and to-go services. Regardless of what kind of business you have, this is the type of mindset you need to develop and use to expand your marketing strategy this year.

Moreover, here are some of the things that you can possibly do.

  • Revisit marketing strategies
  • Engage with clients personally to make the relationship stronger
  • Do business online
  • Research a new market for potential diversification and expansion
  • Create a different yet exceptional experience for clients
  • Invest in apps like Viop to boost the success of your marketing campaigns with powerful analytics as well as call tracking.

After defining what you can do, even though it needs a major adjustment in your business environment, you can build a set of techniques for accomplishing those. Remember, you’re expanding your strategy, so take advantage of the things which you think can benefit your business.

6. Offer Valuable Sources

Focus your marketing tactic for 2021 on your clients and consumer-facing actions like adding to the value you offer, as well as the ways where these actions help with your revenue goals.

In terms of sales, giving more options, especially for financial assistance, can help the new client make acquisitions. Some good examples include structured payment plans, layaway, and other modes of payment addressing smaller cash flows and reduced customer confidence. Customers will always value the effort.

Further, for advertising services, you have significant opportunity and time to come up with content and offer access to the same valuable sources that offer information to customers and prospects.

Although these strategies may not deliver revenue right away, they can be effective in engrossing prospective customers now so that they’re ready to purchase when everything is improved. It won’t hurt to keep making offers until customers finally catch on.

7. Develop a Multipurpose Plan Approach

With ambiguity predicted to continue this 2021, having one or more backup plans for your business is a good idea. Outline possible likelihoods that you might face and use them to make strategic responses. Such plans may address various situations like continued closings and openings, reopening at slower paces, continuing health concerns, full reopening, and on-demand and remote environments.

Build out these plans using your 2020 experience to help in developing key strategies. In fact, some of these techniques may have proven efficient this year. Moreover, research on marketing strategies that worked for others, even the ones you haven’t yet used possibly because your marketing strategy focused on returns to recognizable environments.

8. Focus on Customer Retention

If your brand or business is having a hard time recovering from the happenings of 2020, it’s a wise decision to focus on your existing customers. Keeping existing customers who are happy with your services and products is more affordable compared with getting new ones. This is because your brand has overcome the early phases of the customer journey. Also, you don’t need to work with customized messaging again.

9. PPC Advertising

Pay-per-click advertising, as the name implies, is a paid form of internet or digital advertising in which you’re running advertisements and pay a certain amount every time a user clicks on your ads. While this kind of advertising takes a costlier initial investment, you’re more likely to notice faster returns than organic marketing strategies.

The most popular platforms for PPC advertising include Instagram Ads, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and Bing Ads. However, there are many other platforms out there that you can use.

If you want to become successful in PPC advertising, target the right people with the right content and at the right time. Remember, your primary goal is to get more clicks to your landing page, messenger box, and website to turn visitors into customers. 

10. Partner with A Reliable Marketing Agency

Managing a smart marketing strategy is not easy. If you’re struggling with this task, consider outsourcing your marketing to an expert. With the help of a reliable marketing agency, you’ll enjoy the entire expertise of advertising professionals at a reasonable price. In fact, the majority of B2B marketers are using such agencies to expand and achieve their marketing goals. Also, professionals will provide you with ideal marketing strategy samples and allow you to visualize your future.

However, if you plan to work with this kind of provider, choose a reliable marketing agency to ensure success. Do a thorough research about the service provider you’re considering. If you’re going to be partners, you need to know if you can entrust an aspect of your business’ success to the agency.

11. Invest in Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and Augmented Reality

If you really want to expand your marketing strategy, you should not disregard the technological advancements. For instance, you can use artificial intelligence in PPC advertising to boost ads and automate personalization. What’s more, it can help you make loss and profit summaries, data insights, and business reports.

On the other hand, you can increase your brand experience using virtual reality. You can use it to allow people to try your products before buying them. Virtual reality advertising is utilized in different industries with a huge success. Most importantly, these tools and filters can be easily integrated with almost all social media platforms.

12. Create and Distribute Press Release

If you have something interesting to share, a press release can be utilized in various ways. When done properly, press releases can improve brand recognition and boost website traffic and brand awareness. You can inform your audience about new products, improved packaging, or a new way of doing customer service.

When you send press releases to media contacts and the news is essential to the readers, they might choose to write about your brand and, at the same time, introduce it to more possible customers. Remember, the main goal here is to share something interesting and beneficial.

Final Thoughts

Every business, especially now that the world is still trying to cope with the effects of the pandemic, should have some kind of marketing strategy that works to help gain a solid customer base. When you’re employing good marketing strategies, you’re more likely to make more sales.

If you have a business, whether big or small, and you’re having a difficult time expanding your marketing strategies, try the techniques we mentioned above. Actually, these are tried-and-tested tactics that can offer you the drive that you need to ace your marketing efforts.