6 Tips for Condo Cat Owners

Keeping cats in a condo comes with the need and responsibility of keeping your furry feline clean, happy, healthy, and safe.  Here’s how you can share your place at River Green with your pet cat and make it more comfortable for you both.

Pet-proof Your Place

Your cat may go into unwanted spaces and mess things up. Remember, cats are not civilized humans walking in fur suits, so they don’t know that scratching your sofa or couch is forbidden! give them their toys to play with, a ball of yarn, or a simple scratching post so they don’t ruin your furniture and belongings.

Provide a Designated Pet Space

Cats normally just snooze around on your favorite spots and love being such a couch potato. Besides, they can sleep up to 15 hours in one day! Vertical lounging perches make for the perfect resting spot and observation area for your cat.

Give them Daily exercise

If your cat is active, Why don’t you grab a laser pointer and start playing with your pet? Kittens love the thrill of chasing a red laser dot and will try to do anything to catch the glowing object.

Balcony Safety

Some condos have a balcony, allowing your furry friend to absorb the sun’s rays and enjoy the outdoors while encouraging exercise and stimulation, but before you let your house cat roam around the place, make sure the balcony is safe and escape-proof!

Set Up Feeding Spots

Setting up your cat’s food and water bowl in the kitchen or bedroom might not be the perfect spot for your cat as this can cause disturbance from people or other pets. So make sure to set up their bowls in quieter and more peaceful places, where few people or animals can access them, and let your cat eat and drink in peace.

Brush Your Feline Friend Daily

Cats normally clean themselves by brushing their tongue into their fur to remove unwanted objects and pests, but you still do need to brush them regularly to keep them well-groomed and happy. Doing so will remove loose fur and minimize shedding, meaning less hair floating around or clumping on your couch and other furniture.