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Apple TV: Did Apple, cable, content talks fail?

Don't look for an Apple branded television, the so-called iTV, or even a pay TV service any time soon. Says who? A prominent analyst...
smartphone weather

Weekend Discussion – What weather apps do you use on your smartphone?

Its summertime and with the warm temperatures also comes severe weather in various forms. Severe thunderstorms, flash floods, and hurricanes - oh my!  In this...
iPhone 5 release date Windows Phone 8

Avoid iPhone 5 and Galaxy Note 2 Fatigue, Check Out These Upcoming Windows Phones

The Galaxy Note 2 and iPhone 5 release dates are just around the corner and everyone's excited by all the upgrades they'll be bringing...
iPhone 5 features Kyocera Rise

iPhone 5 Features? How About A Sliding Keyboard Instead?

As the rumored September 12 launch date of Apple's smartphone approaches, more and more speculation about possible iPhone 5 features are beginning to surface....

Apple vs Samsung Verdict: Advantage Microsoft

The reaction to Apple vs Samsung verdict has been curious to say least as lot of people believe that Samsung and the Android cabal...

2012 iPod nano Will Have Wi-Fi

The watchband ecosystem that has grown up around the current (2010) generation iPad nano is going away — Apple is obsoleting their business model...
modern warfare 4

Modern Warfare 4 Possibly Being Developed by Neversoft

Call of Duty is probably one of the most successful game series ever created and one of the most recognized shooters even by those...

Amazon Glacier is a super cheap data archiving solution

It seems that there are countless options to backup and store your personal or business data these days. Services like ibackup, mozy, and crash...
Planescape Torment

Planescape: Torment To Get A Crowd-Funded Successor

Many RPG gamers regard Planescape: Torment as one of the best, if not the best game in the genre. Together with the Baldur's Gate...
iPad Mini Case 2

iPad Mini Cases Spotted; May Have Rear Camera

Looks like the iPad Mini won't be releasing the same time as the iPhone 5. But that doesn't mean we should despair. In fact,...

Apple vs. Samsung: The Largest Patent Verdict in History

People are going to be parsing and analyzing today's Apple vs Samsung verdict, which is widely viewed as a major spanking for the Korean...
Galaxy S 3 Jellybean

Tmobile Galaxy SIII gets early Android 4.1 Jelly Bean leak

Once known for its lack of Android OS updates, Samsung has kept its latest phones on the bleeding edge with updates. A few weeks...
Apple versus Samsung

Apple Versus Samsung Verdict- Could It Spell Trouble for Android?

Earlier today Tapscape covered the news about Samsung's defeat at the hands of Apple. The recent trial in California ended clearly pointing in Apple's...